OP-ED: Pennsylvanians Can’t Trust Joe Biden on Healthcare, Only President Trump

If Biden’s claim is true that he is a ‘Pennsylvania hometown boy,’ he would understand the hardships Pennsylvanians have endured due to his disastrous Obamacare. The legacy of the healthcare system implemented under the Obama-Biden administration is dominated by costly premiums topped with high deductibles. Under the Affordable Care Act, Pennsylvanians’ healthcare premiums increased 120% from 2013 to 2017. To make matters worse, the former administration failed to keep their promise that the Affordable Care Act would actually decrease premiums for an average family by $2,500. This could not have been further from the truth.

Biden’s embarrassment of his disastrous healthcare policy must be one of the reasons why he has been hiding in his basement and unwilling to talk to the press for almost 90 days. When he steps out of the basement we are not only reminded of the low enthusiasm for Biden, but also the fact that he is not fit to be President. He lives up to his nickname ‘Barely There Biden’ almost every time he speaks. Just last week Biden wrongly said 120 million Americans have died from coronavirus, which is an error of great magnitude. Biden wouldn’t even allow local reporters to attend his most recent appearances, but this isn’t preventing his frequent gaffes from being publicized.

When Biden emerges from hiding to deliver a scripted speech, he also ends up sending the wrong message to hardworking Pennsylvanians. By supporting providing healthcare to illegal immigrants, this essentially means that legal American citizen’s hard-earned tax-payer dollars will cover the healthcare costs of those who are undocumented and not in our country legally.

Ironically, Biden supports the healthcare rights of undocumented illegals, while his healthcare proposals would pave the way for a government takeover of healthcare. Biden deceptively says he simply wants to expand the Affordable Care Act and build upon the broken Obamacare system. In actuality, his plan would lead to a government takeover of our entire healthcare system that would cause 176 million Americans to lose their private health insurance plans. This big government socialism is what previous generations of Americans, including many Pennsylvanians, have fought and sacrificed lives to protect our country from the destruction that comes from socialism and communism.  

Unlike Joe Biden, President Trump has an extraordinary connection and genuine interest in the healthcare concerns of hardworking Pennsylvanians. President Trump offers a common-sense approach to our healthcare system by providing more healthcare solutions and giving Americans the lifeline they need to free themselves from Obamacare. Since taking office, President Trump has been dedicated to lowering healthcare costs and offering Americans more affordable options for the healthcare they need through actions such as lowering prescription drug costs, reducing the cost of insulin and improving accessibility to lifesaving prescriptions and healthcare services for our nation’s seniors. 

It is imperative America keeps moving forward and doesn’t take steps backwards. President Trump has done more in four years for our healthcare system than Joe Biden has done in over 40. President Trump has managed to strive ahead while also undoing the damage caused by the Obama-Biden Administration. As President Trump renews, restores and rebuilds America, the support behind the President shows that Pennsylvanians trust President Trump over Joe Biden to bring our nation’s healthcare and much more back to greatness.

Chairman Kirk Radanovic
Republican Committee of Lancaster County