2020 Reorganization Letters of Intent
The following individuals have submitted letters of intent to be considered for positions of leadership within the Republican Committee of Lancaster County as of today's submission deadline of 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 5, 2020. The reorganization meeting will be held...
RCLC hires new Executive Director
Friends, Thank you for ensuring our Republican candidates made it across the finish line on Tuesday, we have a great slate of candidates to represent our values in November. Congratulations to Representative Brett Miller who was victorious in the contested Primary...
Follow your elected officials for updates and resources
Friends, The safety of our communities during the COVID-19 outbreak continues to be a top priority for the Republican Committee of Lancaster County. We've taken measures to stop the spread here at headquarters by closing our office and providing virtual opportunities...
Election Update
The Lancaster County Board of Elections office is closed to the public. If you have questions regarding the upcoming election, voter registration, mail-in voting or related issues, you may call (717) 299-8297 to talk with a staff member. The RCLC office is currently...