William "Bud" Dean obituary
William A. "Bud" Dean, Jr. | Obituaries | lancasteronline.com William A. "Bud" Dean, Jr. William A. "Bud" Dean, Jr. prev next William A. "Bud" Dean, Jr., 88, of Strasburg, went to be with his Lord and Savior on Thursday, July 21, 2016. He was the husband of Ruth...
Wednesday in Cleveland
Tuesday in Cleveland
Monday in Cleveland
Here are a few pictures from the first day of the 2016 Convention! Remember to keep checking Facebook for more photos and videos! 2016-07-18
Our Delegates arrived in Cleveland Sunday and took time to relax before getting to work. Check out our Facebook page Republican Committee of Lancaster County for more photos, updates, and live video! From left: Dick Shellenberger, Gordon Denlinger, Doug Brubaker,...
Happy Independence Day America!
Proposed RCLC Bylaws (1st Reading on June 2nd Biennial Meeting)
RULES OF THE REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE OF LANCASTER COUNTY Table of Contents Article I County Committee Section 1. Members Composition B. Qualifications C. Term D. Vacancies E. Duties Section 2. Authority Section 3....
Agenda – Biennial Organization Meeting
Agenda Republican Committee of Lancaster County Thursday, June 2nd, 2016 Call to order – RCLC Chairman David Dumeyer Invocation – Cocalico Chairman Barry Weaver Pledge of Allegiance – Penn Manor Chairman Rich Frerichs Appointments Parliamentarian - Eric Reath...
Orders of the Day – Biennial Organization Meeting
ORDERS OF THE DAY Reorganization Meeting – June 2, 2016 The call of the roll is waived and the registration shall be used to establish the presence of a quorum. Proxies (Article I, Section 3, E.) must be filed with the Secretary before or during the initial...
Congratulations to Our Primary Winners!
Congratulations to the RCLC and the victorious contested candidates they supported: Sen. John Rafferty in his effort to secure the nomination for PA Attorney General; Sen. Lloyd Smucker in his effort to secure the nomination for the 16th Congressional District;...