2nd Annual PAYR Awards Party!
The Republican Committee of Lancaster County was proud to be at the 2nd Annual Pennsylvania Young Republicans Award Party at the Downtown Marriott in Lancaster this past Saturday and see Congressman Lloyd Smucker win the Elected Official of the Year Award and GOP...
2018 Community Block Party in Lancaster!
(From left to right): Lancaster City Committeeman Frank Cabanas with his son, RCLC Vice Chairman Julia Reed, and RCLC Asst. Treasurer/Lancaster City GOP Chair Lisa Colon, this past Saturday afternoon at the Community Block Party! #LeadRight
ICYMI: Scott Wagner announced the #WagnerBartos comprehensive plan to #FixPA’s economy yesterday
Via WagnerForGov.com: (link: http://wagnerforgov.com/2018/09/07/wagner-unveils-plan-economy-mountain-top/) Wagner Unveils Plan For the Economy in Mountain Top 2018 Republican gubernatorial nominee Scott Wagner yesterday visited Dotzel Trucking and Top Soil where he...
Wagner Accepts “People’s Debate”
Via WagnerForGov.com: (link: http://wagnerforgov.com/2018/08/31/wagner-accepts-peoples-debate/) Wagner Accepts “People’s Debate” Philadelphia Inquirer Rips Wolf For Neglecting “Epitome of a Participatory Democracy” Yesterday, The Philadelphia Inquirer ripped Tom Wolf...
Happy Labor Day from the RCLC!
Happy Labor Day from the RCLC! The Republican Committee of Lancaster County would like to thank everyone for their hard work! Some Brief History... In 1882, the idea of setting aside a day in honor of labor was presented to the New York Labor Union. In 1884 the...
Smucker Contacts Puerto Rico Governor Regarding Latest Hurrican Death Toll Estimate
Congressman Lloyd Smucker wrote to Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello regarding the latest report on Hurricane Maria's death toll. You can read the whole letter below....
Jeff Bartos speaks at RCLC Luncheon yesterday!
We were honored yesterday to have our next Lieutenant Governor, Jeff Bartos, speak at our Quarterly Luncheon! Thank you to everyone who attended and let’s #FixPA! #WagnerBartos
Democrat challenger for PA-11, Jess King, gets most of her donations from liberal cities San Francisco, Seattle, and New York..
source: https://www.axios.com/house-campaign-contributions-outside-money-f776be9e-f74b-4834-8ff4-ae30df1f7c61.html
ICYMI: Last week, the Wagner/Bartos Team received the endorsement of Americans for Prosperity!
Via WagnerForGov.com: (link: http://wagnerforgov.com/2018/08/09/koch-backed-americans-prosperity-now-scott-wagner/) Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity is now for Scott Wagner “Mr. Wagner’s record ‘reflects strong leadership on causes our activists champion.’ The...
Today is Purple Heart Day
Thank you to the brave heroes who sacrificed to keep our country safe! #PurpleHeartDay