Article VI Section I

Standing Committees

The standing committees of the Republican Party of Lancaster County and Chairpersons thereof are appointed by the Chairman and shall consist of:

  1. Finance. The Finance Chairman and Committee shall lead the charge to raise funds for the party necessary to meet the annual budget and/or satisfy debt authorized by the County Committee in accordance with the Rules, pay over the same to the Treasurer, and advise the Treasurer regarding the annual budget.
  2. Budget. The County Chairman, Treasurer, and Finance Committee Chairman shall constitute a Budget Committee. The Budget Committee shall prepare an annual budget for the County Committee no later than 30 days before the end of the fiscal year, and shall submit this annual budget to the Leadership Team, which shall approve or modify said budget in a timely manner before the end of the fiscal year. The Treasurer shall prepare and submit to the Leadership Team a monthly statement of income and expenditures to permit the Leadership Team to assure itself that there are no unauthorized expenditures or commitments.
  3. Vacancy. The Vacancy Committee shall be responsible for recruiting potential County Committee members to fill vacancies in accordance with the Rules.
  4. Voter Registration. The Voter Registration Committee shall consist of the Chairman, and one member from each School Area (regardless of committee membership), each appointed by the Chair of the County Committee upon the recommendation of the School Area Committee or with the advice of the Leadership Team. It shall make a continuing effort to enroll Republican voters on a systematic basis.
  5. Election. The Election Committee shall be charged with long-range election planning and recruitment of candidates at all levels.
  6. Rules and Resolutions. The Rules and Resolutions Committee shall have the responsibility to provide ongoing oversight of these Rules, and for reviewing proposed Resolutions in accordance with Article I, Section 3.H.
  7. Youth. It shall be the responsibility of the Youth Committee to develop programs in each School Area for the development of programs for and recruitment of future Republican voters.