The Republican Committee of Lancaster County
On May 31,1856 the Republican Committee of Lancaster County held its very first meeting at the Fulton Opera House in downtown Lancaster. Since then, the voters of Lancaster County have chosen the local leadership of their Republican citizens to deliver results at all levels of government.
The Republican Committee of Lancaster County is the party of Thaddeus Stevens, Dick Snyder, K.L.Shirk, Bob Walker, Marilyn Ware and many other selfless, dedicated men and women. For over 150 years, the Republican Committee of Lancaster County has provided leadership in this County and will continue to do so. We serve to make the County a better place to live and to work.
The proof of Republican governance has been evident throughout County- lower taxes, safer communities and a high standard of living. This has been made possible because of voters like YOU- people who love this County and are committed to entrusting a stronger, safer, better place for the next generation.
The Republican Committee of Lancaster County is currently located at 2260 Erin Court in Lancaster. Our party has kept pace with an ever-changing world to include a homepage online at www.LancasterRepublicans.com and a rapidly growing grassroots Facebook page. The Republican Committee of Lancaster County is one of the strongest and fastest growing political organizations in the country. With your help, we will continue to lead our County into the future.