Below is a list of candidates who submitted letters of intent seeking endorsement from the RCLC in 2014.

7th Congressional District:

Congressman Patrick Meehan

16th Congressional District:

Congressman Joe Pitts

36th Senatorial District:

Representative Ryan Aument

Representative Gordon Denlinger

Mr. Robert William

13th Legislative District:

Representative John Lawrence

37th Legislative District:

Representative Mindy Fee

41st Legislative District:

Ms. Cynthia Lonergan

Mr. Brett Miller

43rd Legislative District:

Representative Keith Greiner

97th Legislative District:

Representative Steven Mentzer

98th Legislative District:

Representative Dave Hickernell

99th Legislative District:

Mr. Christopher Buck

Ms. Linda Martin

Mr. Thomas Wentzel

Mr. David Zimmerman

100th Legislative District:

Representative Bryan Cutler

128th Legislative District:

Representative Mark Gillen

129th Legislative District:

Representative Jim Cox

State Committee:


Representative John Bear

Mr. David Dumeyer

Mr. Jerry Flury

Mr. Jonathan Humma

Mr. Eric Reath

Mr. Kirk Radanovic

Mr. Thomas Sponaugle


Ms. Angela Eichelberger

Ms. Christine Connelly

Ms. Jeanne Grimsley

Ms. Mary-Lynn Lavender

Ms. Mary Ann Ober

Ms. Christina Parsons

Honorable Katherine Wood-Jacobs

Lancaster City State Committee Seat:

Mr. Tom Garman

Mr. Brandon Judy